TO AUTHORIZE THE INTRODUCTION AND THE BURIAL OF NUCLEAR DECHETS IN RUSSIA IS A MADNESS, ESTIMATES EGOR STROIEV MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Maria Balynina). Egor Stroiev, president of the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Russian Parliament), A qualifies " madness " the attempt to authorize the introduction of dechets nuclear in Russia and their burial on the territory of the country. " Only insane can estimate that that can save Russia ", has it declares with the journalists. " This decision is not an approach worthy of the statesmen ", estimates it. Stroiev A stresses that as a governor of the area of Oriol it connait, perhaps, better than others " the consequences of the accident of Tchernobyl which have litteralement embraces our areas ". This is why " it is inadmissible to authorize the introduction of dechets nuclear on the territory of Russia ", said the president of the Council of the Federation.