THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE COMPANY IS AMORCEE IN RUSSIA SAINT-PETERSBOURG, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Dina Danilova /. the consolidation of the civil company is amorcee in Russia, estimates Viktor Tcherkessov, representant plenipotentiaire of the President of the Federation of Russia in the North-western federal area. It about of A speaks, Tuesday, in front of the journalists. In depit of all their divergences, the political forces, as well at the Russian Parliament as in the executives structures of the country, seek the solution of the problems within the framework of the Constitution ". Another proof of the consolidation consists in the fact that the radicals, that it is of left or right-hand side, do not exert any more one somewhat substantial influence on the life of the country. " In reelle policy, the majority of the questions are reglee on a centre basis ", estimates representant it of Vladimir Poutine. As different as are opinions and standpoint, A underlines Viktor Tcherkessov, all the political forces of Russia are unanimous has to estimate that it must take its worthy place within the international community.