VLADIMIR POUTINE NOTES THAT RUSSIA DOES NOT CORRESPOND YET TO THE EUROPEAN STANDARDS MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Vladimir Poutine has well notes that Russia did not correspond yet to the European standards. In its interview has of the edition-Internet, the President of the Federation of Russia Vladimir Poutine A declares that in Europe unifies today, " rules sufficiently severes were in force ", whereas it was not at all " certain that Russia answered fully has all these rules ". President Poutine recognized that Russia " remained always a State without its borders exterieures well protegees ". " We still do not have, in the South of the country, of borders well gardees ". " In same time, within the framework of linked Europe, as depit of all their democratie, strict rules douanieres and frontalieres act, pointed out Poutine. Within the Schengen group, a step has left, a step has right are consideres like an escape, and jump on the spot is only one a pure and simple provocation. All is very strict and very serieux ". In same time, has note the head of the Russian State, Russia will organize its legal base according to the way in which such or such spheres of its relationships to the European Community are organized. In other words, has precise the Russian President, " we will gradually organize Russia and Russian economic reality according to rules' which are in force on the continent, from which the Federation of Russia is a integrante part ". According to Vladimir Poutine, Russia invites its partners in Central Europe and Eastern A not to press itself has to give up has their particular relationship with Russia, at least, during a certain time, and this, in their own interests, those of Europe and Russia ". To announce that such an attitude of Moscow finds a comprehension, which allows esperer well that, from " the point of view more eloignee ", Russia would approach the European standards more and more to become, finally, has a certain stage of its development, participating A leaves entiere has Europe unifiee ", said the President of the Federation of Russia Vladimir Poutine.