PATRIARCH ALEXIS II: A MEETING OF THE HEADS OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOXE CHURCH AND ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE THAT A OF CONDITIONS WELL DETERMINEES MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Grigori Tebenikhine /. a meeting of the heads of the Russian orthodoxe Church and Roman catholic Church " will not be possible that has conditions well determinees ". It is what A in particular declares the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russies Alexis II. Intervening, Tuesday, has a meeting with the heads of the orthodoxe communities and of friendly Russian in the Community countries members of the States independants (the EEC) and the States Baltic, Patriarch A particularly insists on the necessite to put fine A the " devastation " of the orthodoxe dioceses, and initially, in Ukraine and in the Baltic States. Who more is, A underlines the Patriarch of Moscow and of all Russies Alexis II, one needs arreter the expansion of the catholic Church on the traditional territories of the Russian orthodoxe Church. He has in particular mentions the " debacle " dioceses of Lvov, Ternopol and Ivano-Frankovsk, which A deprives, finally, Ukrainiens orthodoxe of spiritual direction. Patriarch A stresses that its possible meeting with the Pope Jean-Paul II should be precedee for the re-establishment of the statu quo. " No compromise is possible in such serieuses questions ", east persuades the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russies Alexis II.