THE SOEC INSISTS ON THE ENERGETIC NECESSITE OF MEASUREMENTS TO MUZZLE THE ALBANIAN SEPARATISTES VIENNA, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Borislav PETCHNIKOV /. It is necessary to take energetic and effective measures to muzzle the Albanian separatists. This point of view has ete emitted by the participants has the special session of the permanent Council of the SOEC which is reuni has Vienna. Before the meeting, its participants had let know their major fear suscitee by the climbing of the conflict weapon causes has the border of Macedoine and Yugoslavia by the actions of the Albanian extremists who endeavour to ruin the process of re-establishment of peace in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo and Macedoine neighbor. The president of the permanent Council of the SOEC has lance a new call has all the engagees parts in the conflict to invite them has to put a term at the acts of violence and has to put himself has the table of the political negotiations. The Austrian political mediums have listening attentively and approves the remarks of Russian president Vladimir Poutine about the frontier conflict between the Albanian extremists and the forces armees macedoniennes. The head of Russian State A stresses that "apres the withdrawal of the armee of Yugoslavia of Kosovo, malgre the presence of the multinational force of peace, it is form in the area a vacuum of being able that the extremists fill quickly ".