CONGERS OF THE PEOPLE OF RUSSIA, UKRAINE AND BIELORUSSIE SE WILL HOLD IN JUNE A MOSCOW MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arina Dovgan). The congers of the Slavic people of Russia, Ukraine and Bielorussie will be held on June 1-2 has Moscow. This decision has ete taken Tuesday by the Steering Committee of the forum directs by Guennadi Seleznev, president of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament). Among the initiators of congers, there are the international Foundation of Slavic writing and culture, the Russian Orthodoxe Church and the town hall of Moscow. Opinion of its organizers, the disintegration of the USSR has entraine the destruction precipitee and artificial of the historical unit of the Slavic people. According to Seleznev, one of the objectives of congers consists has to ensure the public support has the formation of the State federe Russia-Bielorussie.