VLADIMIR POUTINE DOES NOT ESTIMATE THAT THE RELATIONSHIP WITH ADMINISTRATION GEORGE BUSH WILL BE MORE DIFFICULT THAN WITH THE BILL CLINTON ADMINISTRATION MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Vladimir Poutine does not estimate that the relationship with the administration George Bush will be more difficult than with the Bill Clinton administration. In an interview in the publication-Internet, Russian president A expresses the hope that " logic and the common sense will lead has the positive search of the final results ". Answering has the question in the fields of the United States of creer the NMD, the head of State A stresses that Russia did not intend to pose ultimata has anyone. On the contrary, Moscow wants to carry out negotiations. The current position of the United States inspires a certain optimism, said Vladimir Poutine. But if the United States unilateralement denoncent Draft ABM of 1972, " there will be consequences of a legal nature which do not dependent of Russia ". Poutine A explains: Draft ABM " is an axis of a whole series " of agreements in the field of the international security. " In fact, it is the base of all the system of international security ", A declares the president. If this axis is liquid, the system will break down, has it adds. Russia is prete has to continue the negotiations. We would like to define, during these negotiations, " the degree and the character of the threats for the United States and other countries, A underlines the head of the State. According to Poutine, it is necessary to jointly find the means of neutralizing these threats, " without sowing the mutual mefiance ".