PROSECUTORS SE ARE LEAN ON THE PROBLEMS OF " INTELLECTUAL PIRACY " MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Olga Semenova /. the prosecutors are lean on the problems of " intellectual piracy " within the framework of a three days conference on the theme: " Protection of the intellectual property. Legislation and its use in the fight against piracy in the audio-visual one. European experiment ". It is what let know, Tuesday, the Management of the information and the public relations of the general Parquet floor of the Federation of Russia. The conference in question which A associates the prosecutor-assistants of the subject-members of the Federation of Russia and the examining magistrates, being specialisant in the investigation into crimes of this category had ete organizes by the Russian general Parquet floor in common with the international organization " Programme TACIS - intellectual Property " / Paris / and the Organization anti-piracy of Russia / RAPO /. The very particular interest of the Russian and international organizations to the problems of the fight against the criminal business is undoubtedly dOe has the will of proteger the rights and the interests legitimes of the citizens face has criminal attacks has the intellectual property as regards realization of the audio-visual production, as well as has the firm intention of empecher the negative impact of " intellectual piracy " on the economy of Russia. The experts have calculates that the economy parallele, that of the traffic of counterfeited products, varies from 80 A 85% of the functioning audio-visual legal, whereas the illegaux benefit depassent 700 million US dollars there That known as, according to certain data, the annual commercial losses of Russia following the violations of the royalty approach a billion dollar US.