THE PREPARATION AT FUTURE TOP RUSSO-ALLEMAND HAS JUST BEEN EXAMINEE A MOSCOW MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Kristina Rodriguez /. the preparation at the future top Russo-German, prevu for next 9-10 April has Saint-Petersbourg, has just been examinee, has Moscow, by the vice-Prime Minister for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia Alexandre Avdeiev and the Secretary of State of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the FR of Germany Guenter Pleuger. It is what learned, Tuesday, the Department of the information and the press of the Russian diplomacy. The interlocutors have procede has an exchange of views on the problems of actualite in the relations between Russia and the European Union (UE), between Russia and the Alliance of the North Atlantic, like on relative questions has strategic stability, including on those of the NMD. The two men also have approaches the situation in Balkans and in the Middle East. Alexandre Avdeiev and Guenter Pleuger have examines in the detail the practical aspects of the bilateraux reports/ratios, by reaffirmant the reciproque will of the two countries to seek constructive solutions jointly has certain problems which still persist. The presentes consultations are deroulees in a spirit of benevolence and of partnership, has note, in conclusion, the Department of the information and the press of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia.