THE ENTREE OF NUCLEAR DECHETS IN RUSSIA MUST BE REGLEMENTEE BY AGREEMENTS INTERETATIQUES MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Nikolai VENEDIKTOV /. the entree, the reprocessing and the provisional storage of dechets nuclear on the territory of Russia must be reglementes by agreements interetatic instead of operer private between companies. Such is the point of view of Pavel Sajinov, member of the parliamentary committee of the security and defense. It estimates that the existence of agreements interetatic would allow has Russia, has the expiry of their duration or in the event of cause beyond control, to return the nuclear dechets of or they came. Depute A as declares has this occasion as the Russian Parliament currently studies a package of bills propose by the government and who authorize the entree nuclear dechets in Russia.