RUSSIA DESAPPROUVE THE PARTICIPATION OF THE KAZAKHSTAN IN THE BUILDING SITE OF OLEODUC BAKOU-CEYHAN MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Natalia Chmonova /. the vice-minister Russian for the Businesses etrangeres and representant it special of the federal presidency for Caspian Viktor Kalioujny " desapprouve " the possible participation of Kazakhstan in the building site of the oleoduc Bakou-Ceyhan, it is what comes out from its made statement Tuesday with the journalists. Kazakhstan should explain has Russia why it considers its participation has this project, has regard Mr. Kalioujny. Russia must apply a tending policy has to install a common energy balance of the two countries and also tending has to develop a joint programme of oil transit, has additions the vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres. Three countries take part in the project of oleoduc Bakou-Tbilissi-Ceyhan, Azerbaidjan, Georgie and Turkey. March 1, the experts of these countries have sign a memorandum of comprehension within the framework of this project, also signs by the representants of Kazakhstan. However, Kazakhstan is member of the Consortium of the oleoducs of Caspian (KTK), the largest share belongs has Russia, and proposes to use reseaux KTK after their introduction to export its oil to the Russian port of Novorossiisk. The oleoduc Bakou-Ceyhan must enter in service into 2004.