THE PATRIARCH ALEXIS II WILL VISIT THE BIELORUSSIE MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russies, Alexis II, intends well to visit Bielorussie has the occasion of the 60-3rd anniversary of the beginning of the Large patriotic War. Thus the Russians call, generally, the period of the Second World war from the aggression of fascistic Germany against the Sovietique Union in June 1941. The head of the Russian orthodoxe Church will take part in particular has the inauguration of a church-monument all disappeared in the flames from the Large patriotic War. The ceremony will take place in the town of Brest, has the border between Bielorussie and Poland. The Patriarch also let know his intention to visit Azerbaidjan in the months which come. It is that, all recently, a diocese of the Russian orthodoxe Church has ete melts in the capital azerbaidjanaise - Bakou.