DOCTORS SE LEAN ON A PLAN OF MEDICAL MEASUREMENTS TO TAKE AT THE TIME OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CHEMICAL WEAPON MOSCOW, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Galina Barychnikova /. a plan of medico-medical measurements has to take on the territory of Russia at the time of the destruction of the chemical weapon has ete debattu Tuesday in college of the ministry for Health. Work is menes within the framework of the federal law " On the destruction of the chemical weapon " and the program presidentiel " the destruction of the chemical weapon in Russia ". From here 2007, one will need detruire 40 000 tons of toxic substances placing on tip in 7 arsenals locate on the territory of 7 subjects members of the Federation, as 24 works of manufacture of chemical weapons, A in particular announces the head of the federal Management of the medico-biological problems Vladimir Reva. In the realization of this program the efforts of the ministry for Health will tend above all has proteger the health of the specialists occupy in the destruction of the chemical weapons and of the populations residant has proximity of the works has detruire, as has the training of medical personnel qualify. The ministry will exert public control on the establishment of the projects of factories of destruction of chemical weapons, on their building site and their exploitation. It will also controlera the state of the environment.