THE RUSSIANS LOOK AT THE FUTURE WITH OPTIMISM, BUT ARE RATHER CRITICAL, BY EVALUATING THEIR CURRENT STANDARD OF LIVING PRAGUE, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Viktor Proussakov /. Among all the inhabitants of Eastern Europe, the Russians undoubtedly look at the future with the most optimism, but are, on the other hand, much more critical than the others, by evaluating their current standard of living. That comes out clearly from a survey carries out by the tcheque Center of study of the opinion among the inhabitants of the tcheque Republic, of Hungary, of Poland, of Lithuania and Russia. 22% of the Russians believe in changes for best, whereas 15% of them hardly do not believe in it. On the other hand, the Russians are most critical in the evaluation of their own standard of living. Indeed, only 11% of the population of Russia of it are satisfied, whereas 42% of the Russians consider it completely insufficient. Among the inhabitants of Eastern Europe, those of Tchequie undoubtedly are satisfied of their standard of living. At the time of the known as survey, 29% of Tcheques have qualifies good their materielle situation. However, the same survey has demontre that they are the Poles and Tcheques who are more the skeptics as for their prospects. Thus, only 14 A 16% of the Poles and Tcheques believe in the " following days which sing ", whereas 27% of them fear same for their future. Lituaniens are most critical as for the saving in their country. 77% of the inhabitants of Lithuania are, indeed, mecontents of the economy Lithuanian. In tcheque Republic, 49% of the inhabitants are not hardly satisfied with their national economy, whereas in Russia, 44% of the population are in the same case.