THE HEAD OF THE DAGHESTAN APPLIES TO THE PARLIAMENT OF SA REPUBLIC MAKHATCHKALA, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the head of Daghestan (republic of the Caucasus of North) Magomedali Magomedov has address Tuesday its message annual at the Parliament of its republic. By reviewing year derniere, it A stresses that into 2001, for the premiere time since the beginning of reform in Daghestan, its GDP had increased by 17%. In addition, more than 40 000 unemployed have finds an employment and have ete engage has public works retribues, that is to say 70% approximately of the totality of the applicants for work. On the whole, unemployment A decreases by 10% in Daghestan. " the energetic efforts produced by the president of the Federation of Russia on the arene interieure and exterieure to reinforce the State, to consolidate the company and to come out the country of the crisis, find comprehension and support aupres majorite citizens ", A declares Magomedali Magomedov.