THE DANISH MINISTER FOR BUSINESSES ETRANGERE AWAITED IN RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Danish Minister for the Businesses etrangeres Niels Helveg Petersen is awaited in Russia on March 12 for a two days visit. According to the secretary has the press of the Danish embassy has Moscow Christian Dons, his negotiations with the Russian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres Igor Ivanov was prevues for March 13. The ministers will have to examine the whole of the bilateraux problems of which means of extension of trade, of the deepening of the economic co-operation, out of matter of investments initially. Russia A underlines has many recoveries the necessite to intensify work with the draft agreements on the fight against the crime organizes, the financial transactions illegales and the co-operation in emergency situations. According to Russian diplomats, the question of the development of the relationships of Denmark with the north-western areas of Russia whose area of Kaliningrad (Russian enclave situee between Lithuania and Poland) will have to be also soulevee with the negotiations. The interlocutors will be able to also touch the problem of strategic stability and the security. It is known that Russia is unfavourable A what the radar installs in the Danish island of Greenland appears in the projects of creation of a national system americain of anti-missile defense. Moscow is of this opinion that if Denmark accepts it, it is likely to be made entrainer in the process which could disturb strategic stability. In the unit, Moscow holds has to extend the multiform and mutually advantageous Russo-Danish co-operation.