THE CLUB OF PARIS IS REUNI WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF RUSSIA PARIS, March 6. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Leonid KOKOVITCH /. the Club of Paris is reuni in the French capital. The Russian vice-minister for Finances, Serguei Kolotoukhine, takes share holds the meeting. According to information's collected aupres of Russian diplomatic sources has Paris, the problem of the reorganization of the debt of Russia does not appear has the agenda but can be approaches during personal contacts of Serguei Kolotoukhine with the president of the Club, Jean-Pierre Jouyet. Serguei Kolotoukhine " will make known with the leaders of the Club of Paris the Russian memorandum which reflete the principles and the mechanisms of exchange of the debt counters investments, without report/ratio has a concrete debt ", according to the same source. At present, Russia carries out the payments integralement has title of the sovietic debt. So that the creanciers can formulate their position prealable towards the sovietic debt, is needed that Russia and the IMF agrees on their program of co-operation but to continue work on this program, a forthcoming team of the IMF can come has Moscow in April. The principal questions of the agenda of the current meeting are refunding with the Club of Paris of the debt by certain countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, as well as the reorganization of the debts ukrainienne and georgienne. The services of press of the embassies of these countries in France have confirms that has Paris are already a delegation ukrainienne dirigee by the Minister for Finance Viktor Mitioukov and a delegation georgienne led by the Minister for Finance Zourab Nougaideli.