DIPLOMATS RUSSIAN AND BRITISH SE LEAN ON THE EUROPEAN SECURITY MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres Evgueni Goussarov and the director of the department for the countries of Europe of the British Ministry of the Businesses etrangeres John Mcgregor, have examines Tuesday has Moscow the urgent problems of the European security. According to the Russian diplomatic department, the parts are penchees on the prospects for reinforcement of the role of the SOEC in " the installation of the European architecture of the security basee on the co-operation and the partnership of the States and associations of States ". The diplomats Russian and British have notes " the necessite to intensify the political dialogue within the framework of the SOEC ", dialogues which " would contribute has the development of approaches concertees of creation in Europe of a space of equal security ".