A EMPLOYE OF HOLDING " MEDIA-MOST " A ETE CONVENES WITH THE GENERAL PARQUET FLOOR, FOR INTERROGATION MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Maria Lokotetskaia). Alexandre Polozok, employe of the legal service of the holding " Media-Most ", has ete convenes Tuesday with the Russian general Parquet floor, for interrogation. " Media-Most " east directs by Vladimir Goussinski, celebre contractor against whom has ete engagee an action at law, because it is suspect financial machinations. A searching has ete effectuee Monday in the apartment of Polozok, let know Youri Bagraiev, lawyer of the holding. The enqueteurs sought the documents having milked has the granting by the direction of the holding of credit has others employes of " Media-Most ". The documents find during the searching do not have anything has to see with the object of search, ensures lawyer.