PRESIDENT NIGERIAN: RUSSIA AND NIGERIA HAVE A SIMILAR OPINION ON THE WORLD COMMAND MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Oleg Ossipov). Russia and Nigeria have a similar opinion on the way of transforming the world command in the interest of all the international community, A declares Tuesday the president nigerian Olusegun Obasanjo has the exit of its negotiations with Vladimir Poutine. I included/understood during my discussion with the Russian president " has which point the two countries resemble each other no matter what they are divided by thousands of kilometres ", has it says. Olusegun Obasanjo is felicite held negotiations has Moscow and A thanks the Russian part for its cordial greeting. The president nigerian A states with the journalists has the exit of his negotiations that one of the major objectives of its visit was to examine new possibilities of the Russo-nigeriane co-operation.