A STATION RADIO A STARTS TO EMIT IN RUSSIAN IN MONGOLIA ULAN-CBator, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Altman). The solemn ceremony of startup of the premiere radio station of Mongolia emitting in Russian took place Tuesday has Oulan-Bator. The station radio " Pulse-Micheel " has very short waves is a mixed company of the Mongolian radio and radio of Bouriatie, area of Russia bordering on Mongolia. According to the correspondent of RIA " Novosti ", president de Bouriatie Leonid Potapov has participle has the ceremony. He A declares by greeting the listeners that the appearance in Mongolia of a radio operator station emitting in Russian attests that " we have common interests not only economic, but also cultural ". Opinion of Potapov, " Pulse-Micheel " will bring closer even more the people of Russia and Mongolia. The emissions of this radio station are destinees with the schoolboys and the Mongolian students who learn Russian, with the businessmen which work on the Russian market and with the citizens of Russia who resident in Mongolia.