ISRAEL CONSIDERS SE SEPARER OF THE PALESTINIANS BY A " ELECTRONIC ENCLOSURE " TEL-CAviv, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Andrei Pravov). The implementation of the project of " separation of the two people " starts in Israel. This project works out by the ex-first minister Ehud Barak comprises the creation of a network of modern stoppings along the border with Palestine. It is prevu to equip these stoppings with systems monitoring electronic. Moreover, it is prevu to increase the number of monitoring stations of the armee israelienne and to build additional turns of guet. Although the beginning of the implementation of the project has already ete announces, the Prime Minister israelien Ariel Sharon does not have yet expresses his opinion on this subject. Nevertheless, under the conditions of the ceaseless terrorist acts, the creation of such a system is, perhaps, justifiee, estimate the observers. However, the inhabitants of the Palestinian territories will penetreront " malgre all " on the territory of Israel, because, in addition to other reasons, work in Israel is, for a number of them, the single possibility of earning their living, estimate many people.