THE PATRIARCHATE OF MOSCOW SETS UP A SINGLE ELECTRONIC LIBRARY MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Ekaterina Antipova). February 23, the Patriarchate of Moscow A begins the installation of a single electronic library which will include/understand data on the history and the current state of all the dioceses, seminars, monasteres and parishes of the Russian orthodoxe Church, has advertisement Tuesday the department of the public relations of the Patriarchate. The working group charges with the creation of the library east directs by the archeveque one of Kalouga, Kliment, according to the archipretre Vsevolod Tchapline. " We have starts this work after the participants in the episcopal Council jubilaire emphasized the necessite creation of an accessible data base A all ", A indicates the archipretre. The library will be composee photographs, information audio-visual, addresses of all the Russian parishes and monasteres, texts dogmatic, of a code of the religious laws, etc, according to the archipretre Vsevolod. At present, there regle the related problems is coding and with the information storage clergymen and discusses the prospects and the stages of creation of the library of the Patriarchate of Moscow. " We will try to present to it the whole of the current life of the Church ", A indicates Vsevolod Tchapline.