THE PREMIERE EXPOSURE OPENS IN THE NEW BUILDING OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Elena Titarenko). An exposure of tables and sculptures, consacree has the history of the Russian Academy of the Art schools opened Tuesday in a new complex of exposures of the Academy, built recently in the center of Moscow. The Russian Academy of the Art schools will fetera its 250eme anniversary into 2007. More than 3.000 works of art coming from largest the musees Russian are presentees has the exposure, from of which tables of large the maitres Russian and modern painters, as well as work of the honorary members of the Academy of various countries. The organizers of the exposure estimate that the visitors will interesseront themselves especially has a collection of the projects and drawings of the large foreign architects who have works in Russia - Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli, Carlo Rossi, Auguste Montferrand.