COMMISSION RUSSO-PORTUGAISE FOR THE ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION IS REUNIE A LISBON LISBON, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Vitali Mirny). The premiere session of the Joint Committee Russo-Portuguese for the economic, industrial and technological co-operation is achevee has Lisbon on the signature of the final official report. The Russian delegation was led by copresident commission and Minister for the emergency Situations, Serguei Choigou. The document fixes the axes of the commercial and economic development in various fields: fishing, mining extraction, industry forestiere, piece of furniture, shoe. Russian delegation A in addition proposes to establish a co-operation between the Russian areas and Portugal. The minister Serguei Choigou east declares himself satisfied with the results of the work achieved by the commission and A stresses that the Russian part " will creera favourable conditions has the activity of the Portuguese companies on the Russian market " and espere that Lisbon will make the same one for the Russian firms.