A DELEGATION OF ORTHODOXE CHURCH RUSSIAN SE RETURNS WITH THE KOSOVO MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Ekaterina Antipova). A delegation of the Russian orthodoxe Church goes Tuesday to Kosovo for preparer a conference consacree to the problem of the destruction of churches and monasteres to Yugoslavia. According to the Savva bishop, the purpose of this conference is to draw the attention of the world opinion to the destruction of orthodoxe churches and monasteres in Kosovo. According to the bishop, 97 churches and monasteres are already detruits of which old buildings dating from 13th or the 14th centuries. It A explains why they was the oldest churches in Yugoslavia. All the orthodoxe chretiens regret this destruction. It thinks that is needed preciser the reason of the destruction of these buildings of a so great value. In his opinion, that is done has intention. The delegation will be recue by the Patriarch of Serbia Pavle, then the delegues will discuss with the Russians the KFOR install in Kosovo. With the statements of the bishop, there will be also a meeting with the representants international forces of peace in Yugoslavia has which will have to assist one representant of Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica.