VLADIMIR POUTINE WILL GRANT MONDAY SA PREMIERE INTERVIEW ON INTERNET MOSCOW, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Oleg Ossipov). Tuesday the Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, will grant his premiere interview on Internet. RIA " Novosti learned aupres from the service of press of the head of the State that during one hour, from 18h00 (Moscow time) the Russian president will answer the questions of three media-Internet, has to know Russian " Gazeta.ru " and " Strana.ru " and British BBC one-line. Vladimir Poutine will answer the questions in a studio especially transport in the Kremlin. The president will have in front of him a console on which will apparaitront the posees questions by the Net surfers. Vladimir Poutine will be able itself " cliquer " the questions which it will like and to answer it. Three journalists of the mediae susmentionnes will be presents in the studio. These mediae intend to provide to the reader the textual version of the interview in universal time like its audio and video retransmission direct. The evening of March 5, more than 12.000 adressees questions to the head of the Russian State had arrived by electronic mail to the three publications. The character of the questions and the topics debattus do not have ete predetermines. The president will not have the possibility of reading all the bus questions of the " filters " will automatically retain those which will receleront a lexicon not standardizes. The Kremlin did not acquire of complementary equipment for this conference on Internet. The residence of the head of the Russian State is dotee ultramodern equipment. The Russian president was already has several recoveries interesses with the problems of the " world fabric " and announced its considerations on this subject. With the occasion of the presidentielles elections, the staff of countryside of Vladimir Poutine had opened a site on Internet. After the election of Vladimir Poutine at the post of head of the State, the service of press of the Kremlin opened a Web presidentiel on Internet, on which one can consult the interventions and speech of Vladimir Poutine, its timetable as well as information of its service of press. The visitors of the site can address their letters to the Russian president.