AN EMERGENCY SITUATION A SAKHALINE IOUJNO-SAKHALINSK, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Anatoli Ilioukhov). The sequelles ones of a very strong snowstorm which fell down on Sakhalie and Kouriles (Pacific Ocean) have obliges declarer in certain districts an emergency situation. According to the weather, snow tombee Saturday, Sunday and Monday A depasse the semi-monthly standard. In certain districts, the heaps of snow reach the roofs of the houses has stage. Hundreds of motorists became prisoners of snow, there are victims. Certain people died in their cars by cooling, of other by gas. The number exact of victims is not yet known because many cars is covered snow. Wet snow sticking itself to wire because of many breakdowns on the powerlines and telephone. There is no electricity in a number of localites, the towers water do not function, a number of stokeholds do not have more coal. The snowstorm A paralyses circulation has Sakhaline. The airport of Ioujno-Sakhalinsk is the firm here third day, circulation on the motorways is bloquee, the ferry boat of the Vanino-Kholms course connecting the continent has Sakhaline are mooring ropes. The regional administration, the regional center of the ministry for the emergency Situation take emergency measures to ensure survival the cities and villages sinister, for reparer the breakdowns and debarrasser of snow the roads and the railroads.