ON DEAD PILGRIMS A THE MECQUE Abu Dhabi, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Igor Kouznetsov). The general consulate has Jiddah (Saudi Arabia) does not have information yet if there are citizens of Russia among the pilgrims peris Monday. 35 people have ete ecrasees on the bridge pietonnier in the valley of Mined leading to the diabolic stones. Certain pilgrims died by suffocation, others have ete crush by crowd, some others are tombs of the bridge. The general manager of the Service saoudien of civil defense, the general lieutenant Saad bin Abdallah Al-Tuwaijer A declares that the scuffle has ete provoquee by the pilgrims beating with stones the diabolic stones which are alles ahead of of other pilgrims. He could not say the number of victims nor their nationality. The minister saoudien of Health Usama Shubukshi A declares that according to its information, 90 people have finds the death as of the beginning of the pilgrimage. A 92 year old man and a 82 year old woman have succumbs has their disease. For the Moslems, death during the pilgrimage is honourable and the hearts of dead go directly to the paradise. In 1990, 1 416 people had ete ecrasees in the underpass of Mecque of which Soviets. In April 1998, a tragedie had taken place on the bridge pietonnier in which 118 pilgrims have finds death and 180 have ete wound.