THE GREAT RISINGS OF SPRING ANNONCEES IN THE AREA OF KRASNOIARSK COULD BE VERY DANGEROUS KRANSOIARSK, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Boris Ivanov). The great risings of spring annoncees in the area of Krasnoiarsk (Siberie Western) could be more dangerous than those of the year derniere. It is what has advertisement the governor of the area, Alexandre Lebed, has his return of a visit of work in the chief town of distict of Bogoutchana which each year is partially floods by water of Angara. According to the governor, more than 50 localites in fourteen districts of the area could be in the zone submmergee. For the specialists, the situation is all the more serious since great quantities of snow are accumulees in the taiga and that because of large cold of January, or the thermometers is descended until A minus fifty degrees, many small rivers have gele until the bottom. Embacles will thus be constituted on the affluents of Ienissei. However, Alexandre Lebed pointed out with optimism that the men, the explosives and the machines were prets has to face has all eventualite.