PRESIDENT GEORGIEN REAGIT A THE TRAGIC INCIDENT WHICH OCCURRED A BORDER AZERBAIDJANO-GEORGIENNE TBILISSI, March 6. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " David Imedachvili). The president georgien, Edouard Chevarnadze, east state preoccupe face has the tragic incident which occurred Monday has the border separant Georgie of Azerbaidjan, in the secror of the " red Bridge ". During an argument, a employe of the frontier department of Georgie A mortally wounds by balls indigenous which crossed the border. Thereafter, of Azerbaidjanais have fire the border posts and customs officer locate in territory georgien. In one communicates publishes by the service of press of the president georgien it east indicates that Edouard Chevarnadze had presente his condolences has the family of the victim. It also has expresses the hope which this unhappy incident would not cause tension in the relations between the guard-borders and the local population. In addition, the president georgien has request with the general prosecutor of Georgie " to proceed urgently has a thorough investigation ".