THE PROBLEM OF VIOLENCE IN THE FAMILIES BECOMES ACTUALITE IN RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the problem of violence in the families gains in actualite in Russia. According to the federal ministry of the Interior, in 1999, 80% of the crimes have ete perpetres in family and annually nearly 12 000 women die of the blows of their husbands. Violence in the families takes the most various forms, of the insults and of the blows to sexual violences, have indicates the participants has the press conference " violence has residence and the health feminine " which is deroulee Monday. In regle general, the victims seek has to dissimulate their personal dramas, sometimes during tens of years, " not to wash the dirty linen in public ". Result, depressions, wounds psychic and physical. But often, according to participants' has the press conference, the doctors and the font closes the eyes on this problem.