RUSSIA CALLS A THE REASON ALL FORCES IMPLIQUEES IN CONFLICT PALESTINO-ISRAELIEN MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Russia calls the leaders of Palestine and of Israel, like all the forces impliquees in the conflict palestino-israelien has to show maximum of coolness and from political wisdom in order to break the vicious circle of violence, learned, Monday, the department of the information and the press of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia. Moscow is strong preoccupe by the renewal of confrontation between Palestine and the State hebreu. The explosion of last Sunday in the israelienne city of Netanya which made deaths and wound became a news tragedie. In addition, in clashes with the armee and the forces of security of Israel, many Palestinians find death, them too. Moscow considers it necessary to make all the possible one so that the situation in the Middle East returns has the normal, and the negotiations begin again.