IN COMMON WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD, RUSSIA IS PRETE TO FIGHT CORRUPTION MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Smotrov /. Russia considers very significant the efforts that deploie the international community for eradiquer corruption and shows prete has to take an active share there, A declares, Monday, at the time of a point of press, the spokesman of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia, Alexandre Iakovenko. As an example of such a co-operation anti-corruption, Iakovenko A quotes the co-operation of Russia with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Developm (OECD) which is shown, according to the Russian diplomat, " very serieuse and professional in this field ". OECD A in particular draws up Convention on the fight against the subornation of the foreign civils servant at the time of the conclusion of the steps commercial. According to this legal document, the country-signatories of Convention must bring in their national legislations of the articles on the legal responsibility for subornation for the national, but so foreign civils servant.