RUSSIANS DREGS IN THE CRIMINAL WORLD SEND THEIR CHILDREN TO MAKE THEIR ETDUDES IN GREAT BRITAIN LONDON, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the parents of many Russian children who make their studies in the schools privilegiees of Great Britain are in direct connection with world of the crime in Russia, has advertisement Monday Times. According to the newspaper, certain schools note " fights " within the Russian schoolboys of " certain origin ". The director of a school of the East of England has dOe to address himself has the font after to have learned that two Russian schoolboys are in his establishment not to learn knowledge assidument but for " all other activity ", which, affirms the newspaper, " could have milked with the bleaching of the money ". Often, continues Times, the parents eases of the Russian schoolboys are interessent with the surnames of other Russian schoolboys who learn in the same classes that their children. Currently, a thousand of young Russians make their studies in the British schools elitaires. The newspaper quotes the leader of the one of his schools which, while noting the presence of schoolboys endow among the Russian children complains that the way of life of some of them does not register at all in the schemas a behavior admitted for the local schoolboys. Thus, it is not a long time, a Russian schoolboy was the subject of disciplinary actions to have depense, in one weekend, a thousand of books, according to him of "argent of pocket ". The principal has dOe to inform the schoolboy that its mode of control " is not setting on our premises ".