PROGRAM TACIS WILL FACILITATE THE WORK OF THE PARLIAMENT MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Pavel CHEVTSOV /. the realization of program TACIS will print a new impulse with the work of Douma on the bills, A declares the director of Siege of the Lower House of the Russian Parliament Nikolai Trochkine during his meeting with the heads of the administrative directions of the Parliaments Italian, French and German. This maintenance made it possible to review common work of Siege the Russian Lower House with the European Commission within the framework of program TACIS. According to Nikolai Trochkine, Douma received specific proposals destinees has to optimize the structure of Siege, has to improve information of the Parliament and has to improve the personnel management. The Lower House never has enough time to examine the whole of the bills of which it is seized (approximately 2400 currently). More moitie of this total never arrives has to be abordee in premiere reading. With this occasion, Nikolai Trochkine A expresses the hope which the realization of program TACIS will make it possible to improve considerably the organization of work of Douma.