THE PROBLEM OF THE CLONING SEEN BY DEPUTES MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Pavel CHEVTSOV /. the absence of law reglementant the cloning can be interpretee by certain national scientists like an authorization in fact of the experiments of production of " doubles ". However, before giving a practical application to acquired knowledge, it is necessary to analyze of them in the least detail the possible consequences, " to include/understand what this decouverte promises has the humanite not to give birth has new Frankenstein ". Such is the point of view of the vice-president of the committee of the public health and the sport of Douma, Alexandre Afanassiev. It did not exclude that the Lower House deals soon with bill on the cloning, although this work does not have ete yet starts. It is a problem of actualite, estimates Alexandre Afanassiev, because it is that " all is licence which is not prohibited by the law ". It is thus particularly significant to insert the scientific experiments in a legal framework. A vice-president of the same parliamentary committee, Nikolai Daikhes, sees the problem differently. He estimates that Russia still does not need such a law. Certain scientific search continues in this field but, for lack of financing, it there not yet of concrete experiments in our country, has he explains before adding that "il has nothing there has reglementer by legislative way ".