THE AUTORITES REQUIRE THAT HANSSEN REMAIN IN DETENTION UNTIL THE LAWSUIT WASHINGTON, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Kirill Glebov). Representants of ministry public which leans on " business Hanssen " have intention to obtain that Robert Hanssen, old agent of the FBI, which has supposedly ete arrete under the inculpation of espionage to the profit of the Sovietique Union, then of Russia, remains in detention until the beginning of the lawsuit, malgre all the fragilite of the charges which have ete avancees to him. The charge estimates that the charges portees against Hanssen are " too serieuses " and the danger of its " release " is too large. Since its arrest (on last 18 February), Hanssen is in detention, but the place or it is is not quotes because of the espionnite repandue in the United States. The two parts with the lawsuit - the charge and defense - agreed has to defer the initial audience and the limiting time of the inculpation to May 21. It is convenient for the two parts. The adjournment of the beginning of the lawsuit makes it possible the autorites to delay a little the advertisement of the evidence of the espionage of Hanssen, of which some representen a secrecy. The lawyers will have more time to speak has their customer and to study the parts of the file. That can give has defense the additional possibilities to obtain the " mea culpa concertee ": accuses acknowledges its fault and coopere with the investigation in exchange of the attenuation of the verdict. But this attenuation can averer the reclusion has life, as it was the case of Hearts. The lawyer of Hanssen A declares the week derniere that the question of a transaction with the representants of the ministry for the Justice of the United States did not arise. But, according to experts', it will be inevitable has a certain moment, because the autorites must obtain from Hanssen all information concerning the damage causes by him.