THE UPPER HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT SE WILL LEAN ON THE LAW ON AMENDMENTS TO BRING TO THE BUDGET-2001 MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Maria Balynina /. the law on amendments has to bring to the Budget-2001 in order to be able to honour engagements with Russia for the service of its debt exterieure has been just registered has the provisional diary of the meeting of the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Russian Parliament) of next 14 March. Previously, the known as law has ete adopted by Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament). Like let know the Prime Minister of the Federation of Russia Mikhail Kassianov, already as of this 1st March, the government put itself has to deaden the debts exterieures of Russia and this, in all their volume. Like RIA " Novosti " in A ete informee aupres of Konstantin Titov, president of the budgetary Committee of the Upper House of the Parliament, it has ete somewhat astonishes to learn that the government had been already put has to deaden the debts without same awaiting the approval of the known as law by the senateurs. At all events, the president of the budgetary Committee of the Council of the Federation has regard which the Upper House would undoubtedly end up approving this law.