LEADER GEORGIEN SAID MECONTENT OF THE MODE OF THE VISAS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE GEORGIE TBILISSI, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " David Imedachvili /. the mode of the visas between Georgie and Russia is a " historical anomaly ". It is what A in particular declares President georgien Edouard Chevardnadze in his interview has the Radio main road. At all events, the President of Georgie held has to point out that " thanks to the efforts of the diplomats georgiens and Russian, a kind of compromise had finally ete finds to make less hard the mode of the visas for certain categories of citizens ". Edouard Chevardnadze has regard, into general, which it would be necessary, A present, to continue a work perseverant in order to adopt new draft-tallies with Russia, document which rests on the identite interests, the mutual respect and equitable compromises. Answering has the request of the journalists to comment on the declaration of the Foreign Minister of the Federation of Russia Igor Ivanov which Russia would be prete has to think has to raise the mode of the visas in exchange of the co-operation with Georgie in the fight against the terrorism and for the prevention of all the activities of the terrorists tchetchenes on the territory georgien, Edouard Chevardnadze A states not to have aucunes information on the pretendus intrigues of the terrorists in Georgie. However, official Russian has more than one once declares that the introduction of the mode of the visas with Georgie was only one constraint for Russia. It is that Tbilissi did not cease exempting a medical care and financial A of the extremists tchetchenes who found, in Georgie, a rather cordial greeting.