THE PRESIDENT OF THE GEORGIE DOES NOT EXCLUDE PROHIBITION FROM THE COMMUNIST PARTY TBILISSI, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. President georgien Edouard Chevardnadze A states not to exclude nearest prohibition from the Communist Party in Georgie. The autorites georgiennes hardly do not intend to forgive all kinds of matter against the independence of the country, informed the President of Georgie. That said, Chevardnadze, former minister sovietic for the Businesses etrangeres, A announce that it was, by principle, against all prohibits, but during recent meetings in various areas of Georgie, the Communists would have appele has to retablir the USSR, which would be equivalent, in fact, have its opinion, have declarations dirigees against the independence of the country. In same time, Edouard Chevardnadze indeed recognized that the Communist Party georgien was not has same destabiliser the situation in Georgie. Monday, opposite the House-musee of Stalin, more than 600 people have indeed takes part has a meeting devotes to the 48-3rd anniversary of dead of the head sovietic. The leader of the plain Communist Party of Georgie Panteleimon Guiorgadze has appele there the assistance has to rectify himself and fight for his rights. Moreover, about fifty Communists georgiens are reunis opposite the Chancellery of State has Tbilissi to protest against the declarations of certain politicians on the necessite to limit, if not prohibit, the Communist Party.