THE UNIVERSITY OF TOMSK AND THE INSTITUTE OF SHENYANG HAVE DECIDE OF COOPERER TOMSK, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Natalia Rechetnikova). Two agreements with the polytechnic University of Tomsk have ete signs has the exit of the two weeks visit has Tomsk (Siberie) of a delegation of the technological Institute of Shenyang. A prevoit agreement the creation of a common scientific center. According to the information of the service of press of the polytechic University of Tomsk, the center will siegera has Tomsk or the Russian and Chinese scientists will carry out search in the fields of physics nucleaire, of electronics, of the materiel has high voltage and of chemical technologies. The researchers of other Universites and Institutes of search for Siberie will coopereront with them. It is prevu to then sell projects on the market international. Another agreement signs gate on the co-operation in the scientific and technical field. It prevoit the participation of the schools superieures has the organization of the common laboratories of electronics has strong current has the technological Institute of Shenyang. The parts will also coopereront has the training of specialists. The polytechnic University of Tomsk will admit 10 stock-brokers of these of the technological Institute of Shenyang. It is also about the teaching of Russian and of the products primary (physics, chemical, mathematic) has the technological Institute of Shenyang so that the Chinese students can make their studies has the polytechnic University of Tomsk.