PRESIDENT GEORGIEN SE PRONOUNCES ON THE RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA TBILISSI, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " David Imedachvili). The ministry georgien of the Businesses etrangeres acheve the development of a project of a new Russo-georgien outline agreement, has advertisement Monday with the journalists the president georgien Edouard Chevardnadze. It A expresses the hope which " the Russo-georgiennes relations will standardize " after the signature of this document. At present, there are several problems in the relations bilaterales which relate to especially the introduction of the code of visas, has note Edouard Chevardnadze. December 5 2000, the Russian part has dOe to introduce a code of visas with Georgie which granted a refuge and pretait a materielle and medical assistance with the terrorists tchetchenes. The Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres A underlines has many recoveries that it was a forcee measurement.