IRAN ATTACHES AN IMPORTANCE PARTICULIERE A THE VISIT OF THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT IN RUSSIA TEHERAN, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Evgueni Zainabitdinov). The ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of Iran attaches an importance particuliere has the official visit of Iranian president Sayed Mohammad Khatami in Russia prevue for March 11, A declares Monday, during a point of press, Khamid Reza Assefi, head of the service of press of the Iranian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres. " We estimate that Russia is a significant partner and a good neighbor of Iran with which it is necessary to develop the multiform reports/ratios in the interest of the people of the two countries ", said Assefi. It also has declares: " Iran considere the process of reinforcement of the co-operation Russo-Iranian woman like a safety factor and of calms in the vast area of the world ". According to him, " during the visit, the presidents of Russia and Iran will have talks on the prospects for the development of the reports/ratios bilateraux, of the co-operation in the policy fields, economic and cultural, they will exchange their views on the relative problems has the Caspian one, with the Persian Gulf, the payment in Afghanistan and the Middle East, like on certain international aspects ". Moreover, the Iranian president will discuss with other official personalities and the men religion Russia. The program of the stay of Mohammad Khatami prevoit a voyage of the Iranian delegation has Saint-Petersbourg and has Kazan. The official visit of the Iranian president in Russia will be the premiere since 1979.