THE RUSSIAN ARMEE COUNTS NEARLY 100 000 WOMEN MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov /. Nearly 100 000 women make their service in the Russian Forces armees, including more than 3 500 officers and nearly 26 500 adjudants. Same in the Caucasus of North, in particular within the Group unifies troops, one denombre more than 300 women, has advertisement during her meeting with women in military behaviour the head of the principal Management of the frameworks of the ministry for Defense general colonel Ilia Panine. A woman, Valentina Terechkova, the premiere cosmonaut of the world, have the military rank of general major, 24 women have the rank of colonel, 167, of colonel lieutenant and 542 of commander. In regle general, the women making their military service have a higher instruction and their age is 32 years on average; they are mainly occupees in the medical departments and financial, the troops of the transmissions and the military translation service. Hundreds of women have high military decorations.