THE LINE AND THE LIBERAUX DO NOT HAVE DETERMINE THEIR ATTITUDE CONCERNING MOTION OF CENSURE A THE REGARD OF THE GOVERNMENT MOSCOW, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Maria Pozdniakova). The groups " Union of the forces of right-hand side " and " Yabloko " has Douma did not make a definitive decision concerning the possible motion of censure has the regard of the government. It is what RIA " Novosti " learned has the exit of a meeting of the Council of coordination of the two parliamentary groups. According to Irina Khakamada, vice-presidente of Douma, " parliamentary groups " SPS " and " Yabloko " will continue the consultations in the matter during the week in progress to immediately make a definitive decision before the vote on this question ". " In same time, A underlines Irina Khakamada, " SPS " and " Yabloko " adopt " a negative attitude towards the work of the government. The liberaux programs are implemented by the cabinet of the ministers only under the political pressure ".