FUTURE GENERATIONS OF JEWS PREFERERONT TO REMAIN IN RUSSIA IEKATERIBOURG, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The future generations of Jews will prefereront to remain in Russia. Such is the point of view of Berl Lazar, chief rabbi of Russia, expresses at the time of a press conference in the ouralienne city of Iekaterinbourg. The president of the Federation of the Jewish communities of the CEI Levi Levaiev, speaking has this press conference, said that " the federal autorites and regionales are fully conscious that it is necessary to educate rising generation of the citizens of Russia taking into account the national traditions of each alive people in the country ". According to Levi Levaiev, patriotism not takes root in the slogans of propaganda but in the commands profess by the traditional confessions of Russia. The development of Jewish education has Iekaterinbourg is a great asset in this way ", it pointed out.