THE GENERAL MANAGER OF " GAZPROM-MEDIA " ALFRED KOKH CLEARS UP THE SITUATION AROUND NTV WASHINGTON, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). During a conference held in the federal capital americaine and devotes has the situation around the holding " Media-most " and of the chains of television NTV, the general manager of " Gazprom-Media " Alfred Kokh has precise his position in the political mediums and of businesses americains. This conference deroule under the patronage of the Center Nixon prorepublicain, whose honorary president is the former Secretary of State americain Henry Kissinger. The efforts deployes by " Gazprom " for recuperer the 200 million dollars which owes him " Media-most " have until A present ete presentes in the press americaine as forming part of the efforts brackets by the Russian autorites to obtain the closing of NTV and other mediae of opposition belonging has Goussinski ". Only Alfred Kokh, who in year 2000 has accede with the functions of general manager of " Gazprom-media ", has another point of view on this conflict, has it ete releve in the Nixon center. Wednesday, has Washington, Alfred Kokh will also meet several representants great mediae americains. The service of press of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry americano-Russian basee has Chicago, organizing this meeting, has advertisement which the attempts made by " Media-most " to re-enter in its money are considerees in the United States like a will of the Russian autorites " to call in question the freedom of the press ". " Alfred Kokh is decide has to explain what it is reellement ", is there releve has the room.