VLADIMIR POUTINE A TRANSMITTED HIS CONDOLENCES TO PORTUGUESE LEADERS A THE OCCASION OF A TRAGEDIE LISBON, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Vitali Mirny). The Russian Minister for the emergency Situations Serguei Choigou who pays a visit has Lisbon has temoigne with the Portuguese leaders, in the name of president Vladimir Poutine and of the Prime Minister Mikhail Kassianov, the condolences has the occasion of the tragedie which took place Monday morning in the North of the country or have peri 77 people. Misfortune east arrives Monday in the area of Between-bone-Rios, in the North of Portugal, or imperial of excursion and two cars are tombees some 50 meters height following the collapse of a bridge. Serguei Choigou is has Lisbon or it takes part in the work of the Joint Committee of economic, industrial co-operation and technique between Russia and Portugal, from which he is a president of the Russian part.