THE LEADER OF A PARLIAMENTARY GROUP SPEAKS ABOUT THE PROSPECTS FOR THE GOVERNMENT MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Galina Filippova /. the leader of the group " Depute of the People " has Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), Guennadi Raikov judges " reel little " that the group progouvernemental " Unit " souleve the question of motion of censure has the regard of the government. Question by RIA " Novosti ", Guennadi Raikov A declares that in that case, the group " Unit " will soulevera " the question of confidence has the regard of oneself-same ". " For one year " Unit " has had has 100% supported the government in place, contrary has our group which does not have gives in all the cases its adhesion has the governmental policy ", A indicates the depute. The initiative of the Communists of rediger a motion of censure is seen by Guennadi Raikov like an attempt of group PC " to politically explode the situation ": " they are smelled very badly has ease when all is well ". " As soon as stabilization is noted, the Communists start have inquieter ", have additions Guennadi Raikov. It has advertisement to have belonged to the consultations with the deputes forming part of the group that it directs. These consultations show that " Depute of the People " will not support the initiative of the Communists " because we do not have any reason of it ", said the depute. There are a few days, Frants Klintsevitch, one of the leaders of the parliamentary group " Unit ", had advertisement in a maintenance grants has certain mediae which the group souleverait the question of confidence to the government. However, according to the service of press of the group, the depute Klintsevitch would have expresses of any obviousness its personal opinion and not that of the group.